As spring is coming around, many individuals like to garden. There are a few precautions that can be put into place to assist with decreasing injuries when taking on these tasks.
Gardening often involves spending significant time kneeling. This places stress on the knees and can be painful. One way to improve this is by using a foam mat to kneel on or use kneeling pads. These can increase the time someone can garden due to improved comfort.
Some individuals like to put water fountains or large stones in their garden. These can be heavy and can cause greater wear on the body. Thus it can be beneficial to use tools to take the load off the body. These can include a wheel barrow, a dolly, or a trailer.
Gardening can be a vigorous activity. Thus drink plenty of water and get rest when needed. Injuries are more likely to occur when the body is fatigued. Fatigue can occur quicker when it is hot out, so try to garden earlier in the morning when it is cooler.
Enjoy the weather warming up and stay safe.
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