Many individuals want to live in their home independently for as long as possible. However, with doing so, there can be increased risk for falls. Falls can cause injury and some individuals are home alone and if they do fall it may take hours or days before someone finds them. That is why it is important to prevent falls as much as possible. There are numerous ways to decrease the risk for falls in the home.
Starting with what people walk on in their home, rugs can increase the risk for falls in the home.
They create uneven surfaces on the ground which can get caught on the individual’s assistive device or their toes and cause them to fall. Therefore, it may be a good idea to remove rugs from a home so walking surfaces are as smooth as possible. This also goes for transition areas like the kitchen to living room, as these places can go from wood flooring to carpet. If possible, it may be a good idea to have flooring that is the same throughout the house. If not replacing flooring, finding products that decrease the chance of having their foot or assistive device from getting caught.
As individuals get older, eyesight often decreases. This increases the importance of having even and adequate lighting throughout the house. Having good lighting can assist with seeing if objects are laying on the ground. Having even lighting throughout the house can also assist with decreasing shadows within the home.
These are just a few ways a house can be set up to decrease falls risk and improve someone’s independence as they get older or if they have other medical conditions that decrease their balance.
Stay safe and I hope you can live in your house for as long as you can😊
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